check the Database Schema Size in GreenplumDB

Greenplum Data warehouse can manage billions of data, but it doesn’t mean that user can generate or UPDATE random data set.Periodically, The Greenplum DBA should check the size of database schemas and their appropriate usage.Keep in mind that the size reported here includes the sizes of tables, indexes, and other objects within each schema. …

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Check Tablespace and Filespace information in GreenplumDB

Below Post, I am sharing a script to check the Tablespace and Filespace information in GreenplumDB. In Greenplum Database, tablespaces and filespaces are both used for managing storage, but they serve different purposes. Tablespace:-Tablespaces In Greenplum are logical storage and used for organizing database objects, example as tables and indexes. Every tablespace is associated …

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Alter Table Distribution Key or Policy

The first important thing, we have to define Distribution key correctly which is a primary for distribution of data in Greenplum DB. Altering the distribution key or policy of a table involves changing how the data is distributed across the segments of the Greenplum cluster. This can impact query performance and parallelism, so it’s …

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